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 1. susan smith nash  demotivated e-learners  e-learning queen 
 2. Jeff Lebow & Dave Cormier  Connecting Educators as Learners  EFest 2008 Presentation 
 3. Dan Mahon  Disciples are Lifelong Learners  Matthew 4:18-20 
 4. Dan Mahon  Disciples are Lifelong Learners  Matthew 4:18-20 
 5. Graham Stanley  Barcelona Young Learners EFL Podcasts  Barcelona Young Learners EFL Podcasts 
 6. Graham Stanley  Barcelona Young Learners EFL Podcasts  Barcelona Young Learners EFL Podcasts 
 7. International Reading Association  Learners Need Purposeful and Systematic Instruction  Real-Time Teaching 
 8. Bell International  Why Choose Bell Young Learners?  www.bell-centres.com 
 9. Brian Lamb and Alan Levine  Connected Learners- The Power of Social Software  NAU E-Learning Institute 2006 
 10. Bill Arcuri  Engaging Elementary Learners Without Breaking the Bank  NYSGATE 2008 
 11. Mary Lee  Formative and Competency-Based Assessment of Learners in a Longitudinal  EDUCAUSE 2006 Annual Conference 
 12. Elsie Escobar  Episode 42: Learners will Inherit the Earth Level 1-2 1 hr yoga class  Elsie's Yoga Class Live and Unplugged 
 13. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast328: Students as Self-Advocates: Why/How Learners Should Craft Their Own Digital Footprints  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 14. Barbara King  2008 Title IID Grant - Technology Enhancing Language Learners - Impact on ELA / ELL Students  NYSCATE 2008 
 15. Drs. Kathy King and Barbara Heuer: atlpodcast@gmail.com  Adventures in Transformative Learning 12th Episode: Tools and Empowerment, For Learners and Teachers Alike  Adventures in Transformative Learning: Podcast for Teachers and Learners about Change in the Lives of Adults 
 16. Drs. Kathy King and Barbara Heuer  Adventures in Transformative Learning 5th Episode: Podcast for Teachers and Learners about Change in the Lives of Adults  Adventures in Transformative Learning: Podcast for Teachers and Learners about Change in the Lives of Adults 
 17. English Teacher John COMMUNITY  Expressionist Live 2: A live skypecast conversation with English learners and teachers from: Brazil, Japan, Italy, Greece, the U.S., Korea, Germany, Australia, Malaysia and England  ETJ's Expressionist Live Show 
 18. English Teacher John COMMUNITY  Expressionist Live 2: A live skypecast conversation with English learners and teachers from: Brazil, Japan, Italy, Greece, the U.S., Korea, Germany, Australia, Malaysia and England  ETJ's Expressionist Live Show 
 19. Alice Bedard-Vorhees  Increasing Engagement for Online and Face-to-Face Learners Through Online Discussion Practice  Dialogue Day jan 27, 2006 
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